Sunday 29 July 2012

Depression, Suicide and self harm. These are all things that are becoming increasingly common teenagers today. I think its really sad how someone can be down-talked enough into believing they have no self-worth. I have three very close friends of mine that suffer from depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. These girls are a very big part of my world. They get called goth and emo, when really, they are thee most amazing girls i know. You have no idea what an impact of someones day you can have if you cal them goth or emo, it doesn't matter to the person who said it, but to them their whole day maybe even week has been shattered thinking about why you called them that, if they could change to please you. and yet once they change to something they arent even happy with, you continue to down-talk them. its not right. Every single person on this earth is there own person and there is no one else exactly the same as them, so why make them feel insignificant? Everyone is special and everyone is beautiful in there own way, everyone has a right to their own individuality, so why should someone be treatd differently because of their looks, appearance, sexuality, taste in music or hobbies, its their life not yours. telling the girl who always gets picked on her hair looks nice today, ca brighten her whole day, telling someone that you wanna spend some time with them, to let them know their life means something to someone. You never know their full story or whats behind the mask they wear everyday, that smile they put on to fool the world. Every one has the right to live the life they dream of, not have someone end it by how they make them feel. ♥

Tuesday 9 August 2011

21st Century Teenager!!

I find it actually very hard to live in the 21st century, with all the models that look absolutely amazing; I can’t help but compare myself to them.

Well NO more!! It’s a new day- I don’t need worry or fake in my life.

It seems the world has thrown all the old fashioned values straight out the door and they have been replaced with the peer pressure & expectations - whether it be with opinions of  “the girls” or even boyfriends expecting much more than you want to give, it’s all a bit much, & it can definitely send you over the edge.

I want all those old fashioned values back in my life.

I heard a series on Practical Living and one single sentence has really stuck to my brain – If a girl wants the boy to open the door for her and does not give in, he will open that door -if a girl sets her standards high and does NOT lower them the boy will rise to them. Once you think you have set them high, set them higher and then will you be getting what is reflected in Gods plan for you.
Many of my friends be-little themselves, put themselves down and lower their standards, thinking “I’m not worth that much trouble” or “no one should go to that much effort just for me,” and you know what?
 YES!-someone should go to that much trouble for you! They should go to that much trouble and effort!!
You are you, and there is no one else like you in the world.
You are worth it!!
Every girl in the world is worth it and even if your heart melts at the sight of him, if he is not willing to reach your expectations don’t lower your expectations.
Someday you will find some one who will treat you and love you, accepting you for exactly who you want to be and who you are, flaws and all and honour the importance you place on your values.
How do I know that??
The Bible states in Jeremiah 29:11 MSG “I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for”
Now I would rather wait and feel rejected than accept less than God’s best plan for me and be unhappy later in life, wishing & imagining what I could have better, what could have been, cause that is not a happy road to travel.
Psalm 37:4 NIV - Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I find myself not knowing where to turn, who to ask or really what to look for.
Times has change so much since Bible times.  when if caught having had sex before marriage you could have been stoned to death and yet, now it’s considered the norm.
I don’t know about you but I find that really incredibly troubling.
How is a teen girl supposed to know what is right and wrong before her God and before herself??  
Well even though times may have changed the morals to Bible stories certainly haven’t, thankfully.

I’m thinking of doing a study of some of the remarkable women of the Bible who, by their everyday decisions, made a huge difference to change the world around them for the better.

Now wouldn’t we all like to make a difference in the world??
To change the world around us?? 
Maybe we just can,
If you want to join me in my study of Remarkable women of the Bible, drop me a line in the forum or comment on this post.  

Monday 8 August 2011

What It's All About =)

Though we may not like to admit it, its true that all of us girls have the same questions running through our heads at different times: Questions about God, our purpose, love, life, relationships, conflict and friendship & just doing “life” as a teen, and really everything in between. 
A good yak to other girls going through the same stuff (or have been through the same stuff and understand!!) makes you feel better, and besides, who doesn't like having a good chat and getting to know new friends?
The place for us to chill,  ask questions, grab answers and form discussions is in our new forum "Our Place" it's a private forum so you can be you and speak freely.